Wednesday, 20 February 2013

7 Ways To Increase Your Energy Levels The Right Way


Do you ever think to yourself "what do I have to do to increase my energy levels?"

You're drained, grumpy and feel tight in places you didn't know existed.

Just recently I was slammed with a project and sat on my butt for too long. At the end of the day I was tired and my energy levels were in the dumps. I know you've felt the same way but why should we feel this way? Feeling like this is a terrible motivator for our workouts, not to mention our productivity.

We need intensity baby!

In order to increase your energy levels you need to commit to these 7 things:

1) Avoid grains

By limiting grains you'll reduce the effects of constant insulin spikes and the following crashes. You will also reduce the possibilities of excess glycogen being stored as fat.

2) Sleep like a baby

Sleep is a way for our mind and body to reenergize. If you only charge your phone to 75% before using it, well it has 25% less energy throughout the day. Same goes for you!

3) Unwind your mind and body

Give yourself a break to disconnect daily. Yes daily. This will clear your head, rest your body and reenergize your soul.

4) Walk 4,000 steps outdoors

Walking gets all the muscles in your body moving as they should and if you do part of it during the day, you'll get your energy boost of vitamin D.

5) Make working out a routine

Working out builds muscle, minimizes stress and reduces fatigue [Tweet This]. The new found energy comes from a cellular level called the mitochondria. But forget the science mumbo jumbo for now.

6) Play around

You never thought this would be on here did you? Playing around improves social qualities and reduces stress. It has also been shown to improve sleeping patterns.

7) Quick exercises in the office

Do 2 sets of 10 burpees, 30 push-ups, or 50 jumping jacks to get your muscles moving. These short exercises will increase blood flow and get you out of the I'm-in-my-chair-for-too-long slump.

Finding ways to increase your energy levels is easy, it's all about making conscious decisions in connection with your mind and body. As you can see, we didn't right about supplements to increase your energy levels. Yes, coffee can do the trick, but it's finding the natural ways that are the most effective.

They allow you to become more in tune with your body and you can adapt from there. By avoiding grains you eliminate the majority of all energy crashing foods, but STAY AWAY from candy and sweets as well.

Find out these 3 types of raw food diet tips you might always found in your house which is really, really BOOST YOUR ENERGY, MELT FAT VERY FAST and HEALING YOUR BODY... ALMOST EFFORTLESSLY!!! Click Here! 

P.S. Keep an eye open for articles elaborating on each of these bullet points.

Make sure to get on over to Nate Anglin Dot com. The only place where corporate meets fitness.


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  4. Nice tips, enough sleep and exercise...

  5. I love point number 2 and so on every single day in my life!!

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  7. Nice post, i'll try them out. Thanks for sharing.
