Thursday, 28 February 2013

Green Lifestyle - Why Is It So Important?


Making the choice to go green has become a trend that continues to expand amongst many different people. Families, small businesses, and large companies are taking the leap to go green to help better the environment. Over the years, the environment continues to get worse. People do not realize that our everyday use in certain things is what is causing this. Driving to and from work every day pollutes the air. Using a large amount of electricity uses masses of energy that are almost impossible to get back. Although it is more costly to maintain a green home or business, it is worth the investment in the long run because the environment is at stake. Going green is not about never watching television and walking twenty miles to work, it is about moderation and having a limit on some sources. The first thing people need to do is educate themselves on what minor steps will help better the environment. Also, people must ask themselves why going green is so important in daily lives.

Some sources say that going green moderately is the best way to achieve a "going green" lifestyle. Simple steps to help the environment would be to recycle cans. This is an important and simple step in going green because recycling cans can save energy and also reduce landfill waste by approximately seventy-five percent. Another simple alteration would be to save and recycle paper. Just by saving one ton of paper will save twenty trees, seven-thousand gallons of water, and in result less landfill space. It is crucial for people to recycle because it is an easy way to save minor resources that make a large impact in everyday lives. Trees for example are a source of shade and without this source the climate will grow hotter much faster which will cause conflicts regarding global warming. It is to our benefit that we do whatever is possible to help save our environment because we are the ones who are inhaling toxic air each day.

Another reason why it is in our best interest to go green is because the toxins are causing our sea life to suffer. Toxins let out from large factories are contaminating many water supplies ranging from rivers to seas. The contamination is harming the sea life that our society is eating. Many people are getting sick because of all the mercury tested and found in fresh sea fish. This is hurting both the consumer and some livelihood. Some families depend on catching fish to sell to the public, but now people are becoming more cautious about consuming the fellow sea creatures because of the high levels in mercury. Consuming these foods can be dangerous and in some cases fatal. These foods that were once viewed as a healthy meal now have many people shying away from their favorite entrée.

Many people do not take going green into consideration because of the additional costs. For example, many households are now installing solar panels on their homes. These panels help save large amounts of energy, but they are also pricey. That is a main concern that people face when they think of taking the step to go green. No one wants to pay more money especially if they do not have it but there are many ways to go green that will not hurt the consumer's pocket. One option would be to grow your own produce. This takes money to start up, but the return is greater. This ensures that a family will have fresh produce and also cut back on pollution from driving to and from the market. Vehicles let out a lot of toxins, and when going green it is critical to cut back on driving. Also, using fluorescent light bulbs will use less energy and will save a household one-hundred dollars a year. So if the cost is stopping you from going green, be sure to looks at aspects that are realistic for your budget.

Overall, going green is a big leap to take. Going green is a lifestyle that requires a lot of commitment, dedication, and knowledge of what it takes to live an environmentally friendly life. It is important to ease into a green lifestyle moderately by changing few and simple habits. Many common habits to start are recycling paper and aluminum cans. This is a fast and easy way to begin going green and is a great impact on saving trees and water, which are major necessities in the environment. Going green is a big impact for environmental reasons but also for the well being of society. When we are polluting our air we are also polluting our foods supply putting people at risk for dangerous and fatal diseases. It is beneficial for people to see all the reason why going green is important and take into consideration the simple things we can to better the environment.

Interested in learning more about green lifestyle? I share my green lifestyle secrets on my personal blog. Come join me and many others who share the same interests on my personal blog and learn more about going green from real life examples by clicking on now. I look forward to seeing you.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Corporate Health, Stealth and Wealth


A personal sense of well being has a huge influence on corporate engagement - their sense of self worth & contribution potential. Engagement has 3 core facets:

• intellectual engagement, or thinking hard about the job and how to do it better

• affective engagement, or feeling positively about doing a good job

• social engagement, or actively taking opportunities to discuss work-related improvements with others at work.

The secret to success - We cannot expect employee performance if not physiologically capable of performance parameters. Implicitly, corporate engagement comes down to - focus, cognitive strength, physical stamina & ability to intellectually process data. Having the ability to not let mind clutter infiltrate & sabotage their thought processes, a sense of power to want to accomplish & prove themselves all contribute to employee performance. if the body is not supporting their drive - they can't do it and whipping the racehorse by threatening dismissal - nah that doesn't work either.

There are some fascinating studies on testosterone levels, in both men & women, how these people are advantaged in the workplace, their intense desire to perform & move ahead. Healthy testosterone levels go along with a complete, healthy lifestyle including restorative sleep, good nutrition & a good level of physical activity.

It is very possible that a person's diet is compromising their body's production of serotonin, harming the gut understanding how that is affecting their focus, or simply not giving them either focus or strength to perform. People need the ability, the health, the physiological support to be engaged, but unfortunately corporate health programs are too generic, not meeting participants' needs. Tell me, is the nutritional advice the same for a person who body builds with 10 % body fat vs. someone fearful of exercise & has a body fat of 35%? So... if they ask for a nutrition program... they get the same food guide diet?

A thorough corporate wellness program should cover a full range of health diagnostics & health counseling. Yes weight management, exercise, nutrition... but also smoking cessation, sleep, many forms of stress management, relationship stress, medical risk factors, chronic disease management, disease prevention, self efficacy, but most of all the program has to help the participant to connect the dots. So yes, the program has to be designed for the participant's own unique combination of lifestyle & health challenges, but also provides an integrative, smooth, embraceable approach helping the participant understand how the challenges are all interrelated. The new approach will provide calm & control, inner peace & power, not be intimidating or intrusive!

A thorough assessor & assessment are extremely key to the success of the program. The 5 "A" s, Ask, Assess, Advise, Assist & Arrange - but each one needs to serve as a template for discovery & trial. It is a journey of discovery, providing deep introspection for the employee & allowing them to build their own program based on their needs. Providers have the potential of discovering issues & triggers that the participant themselves did not fathom the potential as a health saboteur.

In every form of health modification, there is a very strong dose-response relation - targeting focus & impact of the counseling is directly related to success achieving the desired health outcome. Specialized providers through a detailed lifestyle analysis can match the employee to the health coaches best suited for the person, and with the participants permission - coaches in a truly individualized program, can exchange information, ideas, protocol... all to assure consistent messages & support are being provided. The assessor can also perform as a coordinator of the entire program for the participant.

Time: A good program coordinator, provider, health coach knows that "I have no time" is an excuse. Clearly, incorrect programs have been presented before, that were not respectful of time & employee demands. Any program on any topic of health modification, must have an endless supply of creative alternatives for reaching the goal, try them out, tweak, adjust, maybe even back to the drawing board... these are all normal growing pains of a program. We have to have the rapport, the ability to capture the participant's faith & trust t be willing to try new possibly absurd ideas... that just could work!

Meaningfulness is the most important driver of engagement for people- providing a meaningful program... designed to empower participants to self efficacy & strength, not defeat - that is how we bring out the very best in a person. No more automated superficial programs based on generalized populations - but lets get to each & everyone's own little ecosystem!

Shira Litwack... proud creator of thousands of health & fitness enthusiasts worldwide
Medical Fitness Professional, Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach, Fitness & Nutrition for chronic illness recovery, online Health & nutritional tracking
Radio Talk Show Host/Producer bestinhealthradio
Director of Health Mentoring & External Resources Canada Obesity Control Center
Cancerfitcare Provider & Regional Director

Designing personal & corporate health Coaching programs worldwide determined by your medical risk factors, lifestyle demands & health saboteurs. Redefining the standard for lifestyle modification programs along with word renowned obesity expert Dr. Ariel Ortiz

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Controlling High Blood Pressure With Natural Cures


The blood vessels in the human body have some vascular pressure which is actually the force exerted by the blood circulation on their walls. This pressure of the circulating blood decreases as the blood moves down to arteries, arterioles, capillaries and veins. Normally, the highest point of this pressure is 120 mm Hg and the lowest one is 80 mm Hg. However, these readings changes with the situations like stress, nutrition, drugs and disease.

Sometimes, these changes in the pressure become permanent i.e. the pressure rises consistently at a high number. This condition is termed as high blood pressure. Generally, doctors suggest medications to treat high BP but there are some Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure also.

Let us discuss some of these:
Apple cider vinegar: it is a quick cure for hypertension patients. It is advised to take one full tablespoon thrice a day. If you find it strong, you can mix it with water also. It should be kept in mind that you purchase unpasteurized apple cider vinegar only.

Garlic: this is among one of the best Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure. If an individual uses garlic regularly, there can be about 10 5 decrease in his BP readings. You can either take it directly in the form of clove or can take it in minced form. The only bad thing about it is the bad breath.

Cayenne pepper: cayenne pepper is not meant for eating directly. It can be mixed with two tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of it. Boil in the water and drink when warm. The taste is good and works in controlling high blood pressure.

There are few supplements also which work as the Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure. Some of them can be the products which are rich in lycopene, polyphenol, phytoene and phytofluene. One of this thing is tomato extract. A study has proved this fact that taking this tomato extract has reduced BP by 14%. The extract lycopne is also said to help in controlling high blood pressure.

Our body needs a substance to create NO in the endothelium which is L-arginine. The higher authorities of the hypertension has proved that NO regulate stiffening of the arteries. Therefore, any attempt to increase No will prevent the process. So, instead of taking drugs for this, you can add this in your blood through dietary supplement.

Besides all these, regular exercise works for the hypertension patient. It is suggested by the doctors that getting engaged in the regular exercise of about 30 minutes will keep your circulation at its best. No rigorous movements are required. Just doing light exercises will be enough.

These are just some of the natural cures for high blood pressure. However, there is an endless list of these cures.

Wouldn't you want to feel better by improving your health. Only simple changes in your lifestyle can bring tremendous changes in your body making you healthy and fit. Live a healthy and happy life.

Author is an experienced content writer and publisher. Read More on high blood pressure and high blood pressure remedies.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Choosing the Right Hearing Aid Styles

Have you been having trouble trying to figure out which hearing aid styles will work best for you? Maybe, this is your first time wearing this type of apparatus and you aren't really sure where to start. On the other hand, you may already be well acquainted with them, but you are looking to switch things up a bit. Whatever the case may be, you don't have to feel helpless when it comes to picking the one or ones that suit you the best. There are a few things you should consider before making your final decision.

First of all, you should decide whether or not it matters if it's noticeable to others. Some people are very self-conscious about certain things and wearing a gaudy device isn't really their forte. If this describes you, then there are several hearing aid styles you can choose from. For instance, you can pick one that fits inside of the ear or there's even one that is placed inside of the ear canal. Now, if you don't really care how noticeable it is, you can opt for something that goes behind your ear.

Once you have made the decision on which group of items suit your aesthetic desires, you should then decide which ones would provide you with the highest level of comfort. For example, you may not necessarily care whether or not someone sees it, but having something sitting behind your ear all day may bother you. If this is the case, then you may want to try another type.

On the contrary, you may care a great deal about whether or not someone notices your gadget, but you may get somewhat bothered by the thought of having something inside the canal of your ear. So, you really have to weigh your options and decide what's more important to you. Do you care more about someone noticing your device or your comfort level? The one that holds the most weight in your eyes is the one you should cater to.

Last, but certainly not least, when choosing hearing aid styles you should also seriously consider the advice of your specialist. Not only are these apparatuses made differently on the outside, but some of them are also made to help people with certain levels of ear problems. For instance, one type may be better for people with only mild ear issues, while another may be more suitable for those with severe issues. Therefore, you should also keep that in mind and consult with your specialist for a final verdict.

Although it's important for you to choose hearing aid styles based upon your own feelings and comfort, you still shouldn't overlook the advice of your specialist. At the end of the day, they will be able to guide you into choosing something that will help you the most.

Hear the world. Read more about hearing aid styles at:

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Bruce Lee Workouts, Massive Reps, Unstoppable Techniques


Training since I was 14 with Kenpo, then into boxing, kickboxing, most of 40 years, even with champions, and a year with the 15 year world champion kickboxer, I began a journey based on a Bruce Lee principle. Note: My first Sensei had 3 ribs broken by Mr Lee.

I'll get into the reasons I came to this place in martial arts as we get rolling here.

I always remembered this quote from Mr Lee, one that's been heard by most in martial arts, "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

I read this as a kid, in his writings as most of us have. A few years ago I heard about a wrestler who was taught one move and practiced it on anyone and everyone for years, then took it into competition. He was unstoppable. Even though opposing coaches and opponents knew that was his only move, bam, they were down!

THIS was the meaning behind his quote above. THIS is when a kick becomes simply a kick again. If you study Mr Lee's training, you'd find him on many a day throwing some kick or punch 500 reps! Certain days he performed as many as 2,000 lead punches! Years of this meant once he fired a punch or kick it was 100% likely to land, accurate, hard.

So, understanding that the main purpose of massive reps is to create what Mr Lee stated, "a neurologically set pattern" where thought is not required to launch the technique, you'll find it fires at the exact time it's supposed to given the distance, opening, timing, etc. This also frees one up to express themselves rather than "try" to win, defend, or land something.

This is where I started, having some skills and being athletic, in my mind, I made the decision to go all the way with this concept, finally, and never quit till I finished! Out of respect to Mr Lee, failure/quitting was not an option.

Through his dedication to perfecting a strike or technique, Bruce Lee found after many thousands of reps, that once the technique was applied it was virtually unstoppable.

Besides giving you huge self confidence, it also created a foundational movement that one could build upon. I discovered so much more when I embarked on this journey. Here's what I did...

Realizing any punch or kick could be used to perfect, I thought about the most efficient combo ever, the simple 1-2 punch. This combo, lead left jab, straight right (I'm more right handed) although not some pretty flying spin kick, is probably the most effective, economical combo there is. Over many years I have thrown this combo probably over two thousand times. Trained by a pro boxer on how to throw it, I would at least be close to very decent in form.

A couple yrs ago at the age of 53, functioning normal (can run 10mi of mountains, etc), to which I'm always Thankful to God, I decided it to apply this Bruce Lee concept to my life. This was a conscious decision to absolutely do this, and I wasn't going to stop till completed!

Realizing most opponents are not going to be at quite the right distance to just throw this combo, I started with the lead leg (left in my case) slide into the left jab (bridge the gap) then the straight right. I did this in the air hundreds of times first, at a rate of 100 combo's/day or session... around 3 times/wk. I usually broke it into two mini sessions of 50ea. I marked it on the calendar so I could add it up.

This is how I started... it began with my first 100. It took around 7-8 months, so don't get in a hurry. Sure you can do 200-500/day, but here's why I stopped at 100... my goal wasn't just sheer quantity, but also quality! Each rep had to be correct or very close (to better set a neurological pattern). Each rep had to have maximum speed involving quick twitch muscle fiber. Each rep had to be explosive, accurate, balanced, hitting hard enough with either hand to be very damaging. By only doing 100 reps I was still crisp and strong at the end, I've done 200 or more in a day but felt that quality was less, so I stayed at 100.

I am open for discussion to help you on your journey. Feel free to email, comment, and share with martial artists, so far I don't know of anyone who has taken this Bruce Lee quote and completed it, please let me know if you do, thanks!

God Bless,


Feel free to share, comment, follow, thanks! My further thoughts continue here:

Saturday, 23 February 2013

35 Tips for Great and Healthy Living


Tips for Great Healthy Living

The best way to attain better health is to change your lifestyle. It's about making a transformation from the foods you eat to the activities you do in your everyday life. You can start by avoiding junk foods, oily, and processed foods, since they will add more pounds into your body as well as start taking time to exercise. This will enable you to have a higher metabolism, which will help burn more fats as well as get your body in shape. This is just one of the things you can do in staying healthy. To get more guidance, just read on as in this short report, we share with you tips on how you can start your way towards a healthier life and you! Enjoy!

1. Sleep for at least 8 hours each night.

Getting enough rest is one of the most important things to do in order to improve and maintain your health. It can make you more energetic the next day, aside from the fact that it can also prevent binge eating. More importantly, it is also one of the best ways to prevent ailments, since it toughens your immune system.

2. Wash your hands as frequently as you can.

Washing your hands for as many times as you can for the whole day is one of the best ways to prevent infections. It should be done with running water and a good antibacterial soap. On top of that, washing should be done for at least 20 seconds, to ensure that it is free from any disease infection germs.
3. Never skip breakfast.

If your goals is to become healthier and to avoid gaining too much weight, then skipping breakfast should be the last thing on your mind. Breakfast is actually the most important meal of the day. It is the meal that can keep you going all throughout your day. If you skip it, chances are, you would gain weight due to binge eating and low metabolism.

4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

Water can help your body in flushing out toxins. Aside from that, it can also ensure that you are properly hydrated. Moreover, drinking water can also help in suppressing your appetite, which results to a fitter you. Thus, see to it that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, in order to maintain your health.

5. Minimize coffee intake.

Coffee can sometimes affect the quality of your digestion, which is why it should not be practiced on a regular basis. Most people drink a number of cups of coffee each day. To become healthier, it is best if you cut it down to just one cup per day, or to simply make drinking coffee an occasional thing.

6. Buy a smaller plate to either cut down your weight or to maintain it.

Reducing the amount of foods that you eat in each meal can have a dramatic effect, when it comes to maintaining or losing weight. One of the things you can do for it is to purchase a smaller plate, which is for your use only. With a smaller plate, you can trick yourself into eating smaller portions, which would give you lots of health benefits in the long run.

7. Don't eat anything that is not on your plate.

To gain more control on the amount of foods that you eat per day, it is best to avoid eating food that is not on your plate. There are lots of instances when you may want to grab a handful of peanuts out of the container, or take a taste of a soup out of the bowl with a spoon. If you continue to do this, then you are adding more calories into your body without even knowing it.

8. Eat in a slower manner.

Eating fast is one of the best ways, if you want to gain more weight. Therefore, doing the opposite of that can result to losing excess pounds of weight. Therefore, it is time to enjoy your meals more by eating slower. When you eat slower, you can suppress your appetite, and it can also make you feel full, even if you have not consumed a lot of foods yet after a certain period of time.

9. Be healthy emotionally.

Contrary to what some people may believe, your emotions also play a great role when it comes to your health. Thus, it is best if you can gain more control over it. In other words, try to prevent getting angry, and always try to have a positive outlook of life. When you do this, you can become calmer in most challenging situations.

10. Think positive.

Some people may not believe it, but your mind can actually affect your health in certain ways. For example, if you always think that you are getting sick, then it would actually increase your chances of getting affected by a disease. On the other hand, if you think that you are healthy, then you become more active, and it would also boost your immune system.

11. Avoid fad diets.

Most fad diets are diet programs, which are designed to make people lose weight in a rapid manner. In most cases, these programs can involve making the person go through starvation, which can result to a faster rate in losing weight. However, due to the manner that it has been achieved, you can gain back the weight in just a matter of weeks, and you may even become heavier than when you first started with it.

12. Brisk walk for 3 to 4 times each week.

Brisk walking is an activity that you can enjoy with your friends and family. It can help in boosting your metabolism, which can result to weight loss. Aside from that, it can also shape up your hips, buttocks, as well as your legs. Aim to brisk walk for at least 20 minutes in 3 to 4 times a week, in order to gain the benefits from it.

13. Take advantage of exercise videos.

If you are the kind of person who does not want to spend time in commuting, in order to get to the fitness gym, then remind yourself that there are exercise videos that you can take advantage of. These videos can be played at the comforts of your home anytime you want. All you have to do is to follow the routines shown in it, and enjoy them.

14. Play with your kids more often

Kids are so energetic, and we often wonder why. However, if you play with them you can actually boost your energy level as well. This can result to a higher metabolic rate. Thus, it can help you burn more fats and calories, aside from the fact that doing it more often can also give you a way to bond with them more.

15. Drink a glass of water when you wake up. 

Drinking a glass of water upon waking up offers a lot of health benefits. For one, it gets your system working, which can boost up your energy level. On top of that, it can also help in cleansing your body of toxins that have been accumulated for quite some time.

16. Sharing is something that you should not do in protecting your health.

When it comes to your health, sharing should not be done. This pertains to the sharing of your personal items to other persons, such as hankies, toothbrushes, nail cutters, and such. It is true that sharing is good, but this should not be observed, when it comes to your personal items.

17. Mind your pets.

Some people are not aware that there are certain diseases, which can be transmitted from animals to humans. Therefore, if you have pets, then make sure that they are given their recommended vaccinations. On top of that, you should also see to it that they are properly groomed, so that they are free from ticks and fleas that may also carry germs.

18. Don't confuse thirst to hunger.

There are times when we open up our refrigerators to grab a snack, even when our body is actually longing for water. This is because, we have a tendency to interpret thirst as hunger. Therefore, if you feel like eating even when you have just had your meal, then try to drink a glass of water. In most cases, you will feel satisfied because of it, especially since you were thirsty in the first place.

19. Avoid processed foods as much as you can.

Processed foods like hotdogs, burgers, French fries and such do not contain enough nutrients to provide your body with what it needs. Aside from that, they are also filled up with a lot of artificial flavorings, which can cause your body to accumulate lots of toxins. Because of that, it is best to avoid them for as much as you can. Avoiding them can help prevent diseases, aside from the fact that it would also help in making you healthier.

20. Eat foods that are high in fiber content.

If one of your health goals is to lose a few pounds, then load up on fiber. Fiber prolongs the digestion process, which means that it can make you feel full longer. When that happens, you are naturally suppressing your appetite. Aside from that, fiber can also help in ridding your body of waste.

21. Bring down your consumption of carbonated soft drinks.

Carbonated soft drinks are loaded with a lot of sugar, which can make you gain weight, and it can even increase your chances of becoming diabetic. Some people who are fond of drinking such beverages prefer diet ones, since they claim to contain lesser amounts of sugar. However, such drinks are actually loaded with aspartame, which can cause lots of health issues in the long run.

22. Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Whenever you report to your office, make it a habit to use the stairs, instead of the elevator. This can offer a natural way for you to burn more fats and calories. It is a form of exercise, which can strengthen your leg muscles, and it is a good alternative to jogging or brisk walking.

23. Eat more fruits.

Fruits are loaded with natural vitamins and moisture to keep you feeling good. It is one of the best ways to prevent diseases and constipation. Most fruits also contain enzymes that help your body in absorbing the nutrients offered by the foods that you eat.

24. Drink green tea regularly.

Lots of people have already attested for the health benefits offered by green tea. It helps your digestive system in processing the foods that you eat. More importantly, it is also found to have beneficial effects in preventing cancer, due to its toxin fighting components.

25. Bring down your alcohol consumption.

Beer is very fattening, which is why most alcoholics have bulging tummies right in front of them. Thus, it is best if you can bring down your consumption of it, and if possible to put it to a permanent stop. Aside from containing lots of fats, when you drink beer, it can also encourage you to eat salty foods with it, which is another way to gain weight.

26. Eat in between meals.

Many people think that eating between meals can get anyone fat in just a matter of days. This is actually untrue, especially if you watch your portion and if you are conscious about what you eat. Eating between meals can actually boost your metabolism, and it helps in regulating your food consumption. Therefore, when done properly, it can help you in reducing weight, instead of gaining more.

27. Use fresh fruits for juices instead of using the powdered ones.

Powdered juice products contain a lot of sugars and preservatives, which are not beneficial to your health. Therefore, it is best if you can avoid them. Instead of using fruit juices in powdered form, it is better to use the fresh ones. All you have to do is to dilute it with water, so that you can achieve your desired flavor.

28. Choose wheat bread over the white one.

Wheat bread are usually filled up with dietary fiber, which can aid in cleansing your system, as well as in suppressing your appetite. Therefore, it is best if you choose them over the white breads, since wheat bread won't make you gain weight. Choose ones that are made from real wheat, so that you can really benefit from it.

29. Park your car a block away from your destination.

Whether you are going out to report to work or to buy groceries, try to park your car a block away from your destination. This can make you exert some effort in getting to your destination by walking. This simple activity can help in boosting your metabolism, which would result to more fats and calories burned.

30. Stop cigarette smoking.

Cigarette smoking is one of the worst things that you can do when it comes to your health. It can put you at risk to different types of diseases, including cancer. Aside from that, it can also make your breath smell bad, which is something that can get your embarrassed in front of your friends.

31. Minimize your visit to popular restaurants.

There are restaurants today that are not concerned about the health of their customers. As long as they make money, they continue to serve foods that are delicious but unhealthy. Thus, if you are visiting restaurants at least 3 times a week, then it is time to put a stop to it, or at least cut it down.

32. Keep a food journal.

Keeping a food journal ensures that you are able to track your food consumption. All you have to do is to write down all the foods that you have eaten each day on it. When you do that, it ensures that you are following your diet to the letter, which can help you attain better physical health.

33. Eat healthy snacks.

It is a fact that eating snacks in between meals can help you curb your appetite as well as boost your metabolism. However, you have to ensure that the snacks you eat are healthy. Some of the best choices that you have are nuts and fruits, which are loaded with lots of energy giving components.

34. Avoid fried foods.

Fried foods are very fattening due to their oil content. However, if you really need to fry your foods, then see to it that you use olive oil. Fried foods are fattening, since there is a certain amount of oil that is absorbed by them. If you can, instead of frying your foods, try switching to baking them.

35. Never skip meals.

Skipping meals is a practice that can lead to weight gain as well as hyperacidity. It can put your body in survival mode, in which it lowers down your metabolism and save its fat reserves. When this happens, it can make you gain weight and lower down your energy levels.

For more resource, please visit my Blog

Friday, 22 February 2013

Allergen-Proof Your Home - 4 Tips For Cleaner Air


Making your home a safe haven from many typical indoor and outdoor allergens can be a challenge. But these 4 steps can make it a manageable task that will provide benefits every day of your life.

Make Your Bedding Dust Mite Proof---You can have this done 15 minutes after you get home from buying them at the store. Most specialty bath and bedding shops have these as well as many of the superstores.

Covers that zip close are really effective at preventing dust mites from getting inside. They are impenetrable by mites so your bedding does not become a haven for these bugs. Just this step alone drastically reduces the number of mites in the bedroom which is a good thing.

If you are allergic to these little critters, you will know they are there because of the congestion and other symptoms that keep you awake each night.. It is actually the protein in the feces that is the allergen. They are indiscriminate about where they deposit feces.. Lovely thought isn't it?

Reduce Moisture---Dripping faucets, leaking pipes from the dishwasher, icemaker, or washing machine can all result in moisture that attracts mold. Mold is always in the air, but it only becomes a problem when it finds water.

A water source that is handy causes it to grow and produce more spores. It is a vicious cycle unless you eliminate the water.

Look under the sinks in the bathrooms, around the toilets to make sure the seal is tight. And check the basement to make sure that there is proper drainage and water does not stand after a heavy rain.

Removing the water source reduces the amount of mold that can grow, that reduces the number of spores available to go airborne.

Trap The Most Particles---Water has the best chance of preventing particles from returning to the air. Using water on the mop and dust cloth will trap more allergens than anything that is dry such as a broom or feather duster..

Many vacuum cleaners have the best intentions, but wind up sending many of the particles collected back into the air. A vacuum has a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter is more likely to trap particles for good.

24 Hour Filtration---Unfortunately, many indoor allergy triggers have been around since cave man times, and have very little to do with how clean you keep your home.. And it's true that by taking the suggestions above you can reduce the airborne allergen count.

But indoor allergens such as household dust, and dust mites often work in concert with other seasonal irritants to keep allergy symptoms brewing all the time, and you continually feeling less that 100%.

By definition a HEPA (abbreviation for high efficiency particle arresting) filter must be able to remove 99.97% of airborne particulates that are.3 microns or greater in size..3 microns in size or larger.

No home or indoor space is ever going to be 100 percent allergen-free. But following these suggestions will produce air that comes pretty close to being just that.

The Allergy Machine Air Purifier from can eliminate indoor allergens as well as outdoor irritants that find they way in. See it now at

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

7 Ways To Increase Your Energy Levels The Right Way


Do you ever think to yourself "what do I have to do to increase my energy levels?"

You're drained, grumpy and feel tight in places you didn't know existed.

Just recently I was slammed with a project and sat on my butt for too long. At the end of the day I was tired and my energy levels were in the dumps. I know you've felt the same way but why should we feel this way? Feeling like this is a terrible motivator for our workouts, not to mention our productivity.

We need intensity baby!

In order to increase your energy levels you need to commit to these 7 things:

1) Avoid grains

By limiting grains you'll reduce the effects of constant insulin spikes and the following crashes. You will also reduce the possibilities of excess glycogen being stored as fat.

2) Sleep like a baby

Sleep is a way for our mind and body to reenergize. If you only charge your phone to 75% before using it, well it has 25% less energy throughout the day. Same goes for you!

3) Unwind your mind and body

Give yourself a break to disconnect daily. Yes daily. This will clear your head, rest your body and reenergize your soul.

4) Walk 4,000 steps outdoors

Walking gets all the muscles in your body moving as they should and if you do part of it during the day, you'll get your energy boost of vitamin D.

5) Make working out a routine

Working out builds muscle, minimizes stress and reduces fatigue [Tweet This]. The new found energy comes from a cellular level called the mitochondria. But forget the science mumbo jumbo for now.

6) Play around

You never thought this would be on here did you? Playing around improves social qualities and reduces stress. It has also been shown to improve sleeping patterns.

7) Quick exercises in the office

Do 2 sets of 10 burpees, 30 push-ups, or 50 jumping jacks to get your muscles moving. These short exercises will increase blood flow and get you out of the I'm-in-my-chair-for-too-long slump.

Finding ways to increase your energy levels is easy, it's all about making conscious decisions in connection with your mind and body. As you can see, we didn't right about supplements to increase your energy levels. Yes, coffee can do the trick, but it's finding the natural ways that are the most effective.

They allow you to become more in tune with your body and you can adapt from there. By avoiding grains you eliminate the majority of all energy crashing foods, but STAY AWAY from candy and sweets as well.

Find out these 3 types of raw food diet tips you might always found in your house which is really, really BOOST YOUR ENERGY, MELT FAT VERY FAST and HEALING YOUR BODY... ALMOST EFFORTLESSLY!!! Click Here! 

P.S. Keep an eye open for articles elaborating on each of these bullet points.

Make sure to get on over to Nate Anglin Dot com. The only place where corporate meets fitness.